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Posted by:
kirain On: Tue June, 1 2004 @ 07:27 GMT
Wonderful story, Valhall....though, you're
making me feel quite old!:o
Has it really been 17
Posted by:
worldwatcher On: Tue June, 1 2004 @ 07:42 GMT
i agree, I feel quite ancient all of a sudden
just kidding, great story val, I remember praying for her way
back then and wanting to beat the crap out of her parents for not
keeping their eyes on her.
Posted by:
Facefirst On: Tue June, 1 2004 @ 08:09 GMT
Originally posted by worldwatcher i agree, I feel quite
ancient all of a sudden
Me too. I am officially approaching
Jurrasic..... It was nice to have a story like that with a
happy ending. [Edited on 1-6-2004 by Facefirst]
Posted by:
sanctum On: Tue June, 1 2004 @ 08:15 GMT
Great news. I'm 41 live in Oz and Jessica's
rescue was widely covered here. I remember the huge community
offers of help because of the logistics due to drilling the rescue
shaft. From memory, the ground was very hard and there was a
real danger of the existing well collapsing. Congrat's to
Jessica:up: Sanc'.
Posted by:
TrickmastertricK On: Tue June, 1 2004 @ 10:39 GMT
Yeah I feel old!!!! I can't believe it was 17
yrs ago. Finally some good news to read about.
Posted by:
intrepid On: Tue June, 1 2004 @ 10:48 GMT
Yeah, like everybody else, what happened to
that 17 years. Thanks Val, good news is always appreciated. Imagine
all those people that helped out. No matter where they are now, they
can sit back and feel good about this.
Posted by:
Duke_Nukem On: Tue June, 1 2004 @ 11:18 GMT
Thank you Val. It's nice seeing a story that's
not all doom and gloom, one that has had a happy ending. 17yrs
though, that long :o
Posted by: William One
Sac On: Tue June, 1 2004 @ 16:13 GMT
Thats really awesome! i remember being glued
to the set when she was trapped. And I felt so happy at seeing her
rescued. I am glad that she is gratuating from school now, thats
really a wonderful story!
And yes, I also cant believe
it has been 17 years already! I feel like a like some kind of
ancient antique! It reminds me of the first time a girl stopped me
at a light and asked for the time by saying "Escuse me, sir?" My
heart dropped! I was like, "wtf? Sir?? It's dude baby!!" :)
[Edited on 6-1-2004 by William One Sac]
Posted by:
theRiverGoddess On: Tue June, 1 2004 @ 16:58 GMT
I sure wish that there was a photo of the
graduating Jessica! It would do my heart good to see the lovely
young woman grown. We all recall the poor 'dirty' baby pics......it
would be sweet to see her strong and grown.
things can be accomplished when comunitys work together!
Even if it DOES make one feel old;):up::up:
on 1-6-2004 by theRiverGoddess]
Posted by:
elmariachi On: Wed June, 2 2004 @ 05:18 GMT
She's a hottie now. Pics of her in either
maxim or Stuff or FHM forget which one.
Posted by:
joey On: Wed June, 2 2004 @ 12:50 GMT
Thanks for the heart-warming post. I lived in
Texas when the Baby Jessica rescue occurred and, like everyone else,
prayed and cheered when she was safely rescued. Yep, and like
the rest of you, I feel really, really, really old! To think: I was
in my mid-30's when that happened. Nice to see a happy ending.